Ozone Generator
O3 Air Purifier Sterilizer

Medical level Air Purifier UltraHEPA
Captures Particles 100x Smaller Than Ordinary HEPA.
Active Antimicrobial Mouthwash

COVID-19 Protocol for Patients
The Illinois Department of Public Health and the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine require that practitioners and patients agree to and abide by certain rules and guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please review the Full COVID-19 Policies and Procedures below prior to starting/resuming your treatments at Ginkgo Wellness. Scheduling an appointment with us indicates you understand and agree to our current COVID-19 Policies and Procedures.
Booking an appointment
Ginkgo Wellness provides both online consultation and in person consultation and treatments. During this special time of the pandemic, we kindly ask you to sign the COVID patient consent form here before making an appointment.
If you are experiencing COVID symptoms, or have been in close contact with someone who is diagnosed, we cannot have you at the clinic until we know more about your conditions. Please only schedule an online consultation.
If you are over the age of 65, we strongly encourage you to either book an online consultation, or postpone your visit for your personal health and safety
For your visit
We provide alcohol-based hand rubs, hand sanitizers and disposable PPE (surgical face masks and gloves) in the waiting room for patients. Upon arrival, we kindly ask all patients to:
Sanitize hands
Have temperature taken
Dioxi Rise mouthwash (Mix), if face mask needs to be removed in the consultation
Provide all three new patient forms, available here
Furthermore, please follow these precautions for your visit:
Fill out your paperwork ahead of time. Our staff will be requesting that you fill out your paperwork in advance of your visit.
Come alone to your appointment, unless you are a parent or legal guardian of the minor, or a caretaker for another individual who requires support. We ask that you bring no other guests or children to the visit to minimize unnecessary exposure. Those accompanying you to an appointment will also be required to have the same level of screening completed. Any additional guests will be asked to wait outside of our building.
Arrive at your appointment on time. Please check the time of your appointment in your confirmation message. Do not arrive too early or late for your appointment. This is very important to make sure we are moving patients through their appointments consistently to negate any wait time in the office and allow our staff to properly disinfect the treatment rooms between patients.
Maintain a safe distance. Please make sure you are maintaining a safe distance of six feet from all patients and staff, except for when receiving treatments.
Payment methods accepted in the clinic includes: credit and debit cards with our self-service POS machine. No cash accepted.
Please understand that we may need to shift your appointment by 10 or 15 min to adjust our schedule to minimize the patient volume and optimize safety. Any adjustment to the appointment time will be finalized in the confirmation email sent to you the day before your visit.
Our efforts
To minimize your risks of COVID-19 spreading in the clinic, all the treatment rooms as well as the waiting room have been equipped with medical-level AirDoctor filters. We arrange the appointments with gaps between each so as to disinfect treatment rooms before, in between and after patient visits with Hypochlorous acid. Everyday before opening up, we use Ozone generators to disinfect the whole clinic.
We are asking all patients to comply with the above requests in order to be seen for their appointment. Our goal is to get every patient into their exam room straight upon arriving and immediately out the door after their visit. We must have each patients’ support by following the above guidelines in order to accomplish this as safely as possible.
Thank you for your trust in us. We look forward to taking care of you.
Ginkgo Wellness Team